A-Z's To Overcome Your Boredom!

A-Make a piece of artwork

B- Play basketball

C-Eat Candy

D-Play With a Dog

E-Put on Eyeshadow

F-Try to Fly

G-Make GingerBread cookies

H-Go Horseback riding

I-Eat some icecream

J-Make a joke

K-Fly a Kite

L-Eat something Large!

M-Make a Website

N-Paint your Nails

O-Draw an Octopus

P-Go to the park

Q-Quilt a Quilt

R-Ride a Rollercoaster


T-Get a Tan

U- Paint a white Umbrella

V- Learn how To play the Violin

W-Play in the water

X-Play the Xylophone

Y-Go to a Youth Group

Z-Go to the Zoo